Arabic Tutorial – Lesson 2

[ ٱلِاسْمُ ]

This refers to as noun, a naming word. It refers to a name given to a person, animal, place or things.

  • Examples are:
    1. Ex 1: خَالِدٌ
    2. Ex 2: فَاطِمَةُ
    3. Ex 3: كِتَابٌ
    4. Ex 4: قِطَّةُ

Noun is divided into two:

  1. Masculine ( ُالاِسْمُ المُذَكَّر )
    • Ex 1: خالد
    • Ex 2: كَلْبٌ
  2. Feminine ( ُالاِسْمُ الْمُؤَنَّث )
    • Ex 1: فاطمة
    • Ex 2: قطة

Masculine names are divided into two:

  1. Animate ( ُالاسم المذكرالعَاقِل )
    • Ex 1: خالد
    • Ex 2: ُزَيْد
  2. Inanimate ( ِالاسم المذكر غَيْرُ الّعَاقِل )
    • Ex 1: كلب
    • Ex 2: كتاب

Feminine names are also divided into two:

  1. Animate ( الاسم المؤنث العاقل )
    • Ex 1: فاطمة
    • Ex 2: رُقَيّةُ
  2. Inanimate ( الاسم المؤنث غير العاقل )
    • Ex 1: قطة
    • Ex 2: شَاةٌ

Note: The elemetary sign used to differentiate between Masculine ( the names of males) from Feminine (the names of females) is round taa (ة) found at the end of female names (feminine).

The round taa (ة) is called at-taahu al-morbuutoh. e.g فاطمة, قطة, شاة , e.t.c.

Now, i hope it’s clear ?, fine.

الْمُلَاحَظَةُ (Notice)

As you have learnt earlier that only females names attract round taa (ة) which distinguish them from male names but there are some names both from male and female that disregard this rule:

  1. Male names (Masculine) which do attract round taa (ة), they resemble female names because of the round taa (ة) but they are Masculine.
    • Ex: ُحَمْزَةُ, طَلْحَة.
  2. Female names (Feminine) which do not attract round taa (ة), they resemble male names but they are actually Feminine.
    • Ex: ٌزَيْنَبُ, يَدٌ, رَجُلٌ, دَار

Types of Nouns

Here, we have two different types of noun in this part;

  1. Proper Noun (ُالْعَلَم)
  2. Common Noun (غَيْرُ الْعَلَمِ)

Proper noun is a name that is specific to a particular person, animal, place or thing. Examples are:

  1. Ibraheem (ُإِبْرَاهِيم)
  2. Khaalid (خالد)
  3. Zainab (ُزَيْنَب)
  4. Makkah (مَكَّةُ)

Common noun is a name that is general to a group of people or things. Examples are:

  1. Human (ُإِنْسَان)
  2. Man (ٌرَجُل)
  3. Woman (امْرَأَةُ)
  4. Town (ٌبَلَد)

You will see more about proper and common names in the next page.