Tajweed Tutorials

Tajweed Tutorial – Lesson 4

الْحُرُوفُ الشَّمْسِيَّةُ وَ الْقَمَرِيَّةُ Arabic consonants are divided or classified into two parts, namely: Sun Letters ( ُالْحُرُوفُ الشَّمْسِيَّة) Moon Letters ( الْحُرُوفُ الْقَمَرِيَّة) This classification is based on whether or not the letters attracts or assimilate the definite article al (ال), Both classes assimilate the definite article al, but the difference is that one loses its…

Tajweed Tutorial – Lesson 3

كِتَابَةُ الْهَمْزَةِ This is defined as a specific way in which hamzah is written. It refers to the method or way to write letter hamzah either in the beginning, middle or end. Hamzah is written in different ways and styles which makes it entitles to special treatment when it comes to how Arabic letters are…

Tajweed Tutorial – Lesson 2

الْإِلْصَاقُ This can be defined as a way by which each letter in Arabic alphabets joins, clings or merges with another letter. Each letter has 4 forms: When you write the letter by itself. When it comes in the beginning of a word. When it comes in the middle of a word. When it comes…

Tajweed Tutorial – Lesson 1

الْحُرُوفُ الْهِجَاهِيَّةُ These are Arabic letters, they are alphabets used in Arabic Language. They are the letters combined together form an Arabic word. As we all know, in English Language, we have 26 letters from letter A to Z. We put these English letters together to form English words. For Examples: we take E+A+T =…

Tajweed Tutorial – Introduction

Meaning Of Tajweed What is Tajweed (التَّجْوِيدُ) ?. Note: Some people pronounce it as ‘Tejweed’ while some call it ‘Tajweed’. Tajweed can be defined in two ways: Literarily (لُغَةََ) Technically (ٱصْطِلَاحًا) Tajweed literarily: The following meaning can be given to Tajweed literarily: To perfect something (ُٱلْإِتْقَان) To beautify something (ٱلتَّزْيِينُ) To correct something (ٱلتَّحْسِينُ) It…

Tajweed Tutorial – Beginning

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. We thank Allah for given us the opportunity to start this tutorial and we pray to make us end it well and make it beneficial to all mankind bi idnihi – Ta ‘alaa. Tutorial Overview This tutorials will teaches you the rules and principles of Tajweed from Beginners to Advanced. You will…